Monday, January 21, 2008

Christmas Eve

This past Christmas Josh and I decided to spend Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas day with his family. So we went down early to help my mom get dinner ready. Growing up my family has had the tradition to have a crab leg dinner every Christmas Eve. So since the in-laws weren't too keen on that idea, we also had BBQ ribs, which Josh cooked up. The night was very entertaining with the kids running around. And of course they had to help to rest of us open all the presents. My mom bought the kids a grill/kitchen set, which ended up being the hit of the night. Josh and I surprised my mom with a bowl that I bought in Poland. And I surprised Josh with antique skis. He has always been the one with all the surprises up his sleeve. So I was excited to pull this one off. After presents we had dessert. Belgium chocolate fondue that we brought back from Switzerland! I had a nice spread of desserts to dip including my friends famous Belgium brownies and Josh's grandma's carmel's. Although the whole the night was a blast, I would have to say that watching the kids stare out the window for a half hour trying to find Santa and his reindeer was my favorite part. They are just so darn cute.


Thomas Family said...

Keep up the blogging! I love to check it out and see what you are up to. Love ya!

Kristi said...

Hey I finally get to comment on your blog. It was fun too see you at Christmas, I only wish I could have talked to you longer. I love your blog!! We'll have to keep in touch through email. Love you

Kyle Peterson said...

Sounds like so much fun. I wish Christmas time lasted forever! I'm still so sad I didn't get to see you, I could have stayed a few more weeks there or even the rest of my life. I miss it so much! I saw that you called from that Utah number. Would I be able to call you on it? Or does it cost a ton? What's the time difference again? Love you later girl. Talk to you soon baboon!