It all started on June 15th about 3:45 am I woke up experiencing severe pains and what we now know were contractions. We were trying to figure out what to do including calling my mom in Utah. About 20 mins later my water broke. Josh hurried and called and ambulance and they were at our place within minutes. At first none of the ambulance personal spoke English at all. They actually called an English speaking doctor to come and could communicate with us. One of the funny parts is the ambulance crew could not figure out how to get me out of the apartment. We are actually only up about 3 stories, but the elevator will only fit two people. Instead of the crew carrying me down the stairs, they called in the fire department. They decided to bring in a crane to hoist me down the building.
Once we arrived at the hospital they did an ultrasound and found Kaleb was still alive but not doing well. The doctor came in a short time later to inform us Kaleb is was dieing and that I would still need to have the child. I spent 13 hours in labor (with no epidural). We had a little boy who weighed 11 inches and 14.18 ounces. He was born at aprox 5:30 pm June 15, 2006. He did not survive the labor and passed away in the womb.
According to the doctor here I had an infection in the membranes that hold the amniotic fluid sack together. The infection ate away at the membranes until there was nothing there to hold the fluid in my womb. My body thought the pregnancy was done so it went into labor. There is only one way to detect this problem and that by putting a needle in through the belly button and piercing the amniotic sack. This is an extremely dangerous test and more often than not will cause birth defects or loss of the baby. Our doctor speculated the infection had been going on for the last few months. Simply there is really no explanation where it came from or how I came in contact with it. Kaleb was perfectly normal and healthy. He had developed everything a 6 month old child should have. He just needed to grow a bigger.
Kaleb is our little angel. We feel peace to know our Heavenly Father is looking after him for us. We feel blessed to have felt of his joy if only for a short time. We feel blessed to know he will not have to suffer the pains and difficulties of this life. Many people in the hospital asked why were able to take this so well. We had lots of missionary experiences with the hospital staff who have never even heard of Mormons before. I feel so blessed to know we have one child who is absolutely perfect and has made it to the celestial kingdom. It helps me live righteously knowing that one day we will be with him again Our hearts are still hurting for we love our little Kaleb very much. We certainly have felt of support from family and friends even though we are so very far away.
Janelle, What a beautiful tribute to your little boy! I remember how cute his nose was and how he had long feet. We knew he looked like Josh. I miss him so much too! I am so sorry for what you and Josh had to go through. I have been so impressed with your strength. Thankfully we know that we will be able to see him again and that you and Josh will be able to raise him. He is so lucky to have such amazing parents! We love you! Mom & Dad
Your strength is incredible. I don't know if I could ever handle what you did. Just reading this makes me weep for you. What an incredible blessing it is to have the knowledge of the gospel! We love you guys and hope all is well.
We were thinking about you guys this weekend. What a blessing your temple marriage will continue to be as you know you will be with Kaleb again. Our thoughts are with you.
I couldn't help but cry from the min I saw the pic. It truly is a blessing to belong to the curch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. To know for sure that your little boy is with our heavenly father is a great blessing. We love you guys and wish you all the best.
Oh, honey. I wish I were there to hug you and though my tears are far from you, I truly understand that love that you feel and can promise you that Kaleb can feel that love from you and surely sends it right back!
Thank Heaven (quite literally) for the Atonement and for forever families! Love you!
I'm so sorry! I had no idea. You are amazingly strong. And both of you are blessed to have a little guardian angel.
That was so sweet Janelle. That must have taken a lot of courage and tears to share, but thank you for letting us in on your experience. You guys are so lucky to have a little angel watching over you constantly. i really hope that you don't ever have to go through that pain again.
I just want you to know I love you and look up to you, you are one of my heros.
You two are so strong... and such a good example to everyone. I could feel your strength when I read this post. Kaleb's little marker looks beautiful with those happy yellow flowers! We love ya!
Through tragedy you both have grown so strong, and especially you Janelle, you've overcome so much. That day I arrived in the hospital to see you, I cried for the first time in a long while and couldn't stop. You both became life long friends before that, but it was cemented that day. Reading Joshua's email today and this post also brought tears to my eyes. How thankful it is that your family is eternal and that you'll see Kaleb again.
Love you both,
I'm hurting in ways I didn't think were possible for another stranger. I jumped over to your blog to tell you thank you for the wonderful comment you wrote on mine only to find myself left with serious serious love for you!! I don't even know you...couldn't be more thankful that you have the church in your life as I swear that was probably the only thing comforting you and your husband being so far away from home. You are so humble, Janelle, the things you said to me on my blog.... and then to read only a fraction of your struggle pulls at me so deep inside. YOU have a testimony that can get you though anything. I realize I have so much to learn. Heavenly Father won't give us something we can't handle-- you are one of THE strongest people I can think of. I think Christ and a sailboat is perfect
My heart goes out to you. What an inspiration you are for me! I look up to you so much for pulling through such a difficult thing. What a sweet little guy I am sure he is. He is lucky to have you as his mommy. I get so teary eyed thinking about it. You have such strength and courage.
That was such a beautiful tribute! Thanks for sharing! I am so sorry about that whole situation, but you'll have an opportunity to raise him :) I know he was just as beautiful as ever!
Janelle, That was the most beautiful thing you wrote! I am balling right now and can barely see the screen. He was a celestial baby! What a wonderful day you and I both will have when we are able to raise our little angels in a perfect world. I am so happy you finally posted pictures Kalebs park. I know you ache for him and I hope you know that when ever you need someone to talk to I am here! I agree with you 100% on the fact that everyone has moved on and we are stuck in this situation. The pain never seems to leave! It's such a great feeling know that they are in a better place and they are helping other people who were children on this earth learn the gospel. I will continue to pray for you! When you come home we need to go to lunch!
This Father's Day must have been difficult knowing that the day Kaleb passed…fell on that day. I'm so sorry you two for the hurt and suffering you have both had to experience! I appreciate your testimony of the Plan of Salvation and the knowledge that you WILL be able to hold and cuddle with your little Kaleb again.
It must have been difficult to share the details. However, I do appreciate your strength in sharing because it reaffirms the IMPORTANT things in life. What a darling, heaven-sent, and absolutely angelic little boy Kaleb is. You know he has a purpose so far beyond this life...and Heavenly Father is taking such good care of him right now. I'm wiping the tears out of my eyes. I pray for you two often. I hope you know how much Jody and I care for you!
this is a beautiful post, janelle. and the fact that you were able to share it shows what a strong woman you are! we love you!
I love you...........
What a beautiful tribute to your sweet little angel. Your strength is admirable. The marker you choose was beautiful. I love the sketch of Christ. What a blessing to know that you will be with you son again. I love you!
Josh and Janelle,
It is so neat to see what strength and comfort the church has brought to you. You are both such amazing people, and I know Kaleb is in a great place. We love you, and we'll see you soon
Janelle, What a beautiful strenth you and your husband have. I too am so sorry for what you had to go through. You have an amazing faith and attitute. Love you.
Janelle, you are such a beautiful writer. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings. It's so wonderful to have the knowledge of the plan of salvation. I know that Addy would have loved having another little buddy to run around with. Can't wait for you guys to come back!
How precious is he! I know you will get to raise him someday and I appreciate the wonderful tribute you made for him. Your a special mother and Very admirable! Love ya!
It's an amazing blessing to have the gospel in our lives. I'm so inspired by your strong testimony. Your spirit and positive outlook on this life and the next really is an inspiration. Your in my thoughts and prayers.
We love you and miss you guys! What an awesome example of using trials as 'stepping stones' instead of 'stumbling blocks'. Can't wait to see more of you soon.
Love, Dani
That was so touching...having two boys of my own, I just cried knowing how hard that must have been and still must be for you! I can't imagine losing a child, but I am so grateful to know that if I ever do, we too will be able to live together forever. You guys are amazing and will be/are amazing parents!
This is Truly again. My mother in law, Lynn Brady, ran into you mom yesterday. They talked about our blogs and you mom said you had an appt with the 'U'.
PLEASE give me your email...I'll give you a hundred reasons not to go there and they're not opinion based. If you've ever trusted anything before trust me on this. Seriously! I have your Dr. You want a baby, right? He's known worldwide and has a better In Vitro success rate than any Doctor in the history of invitro. He invented so many things and the 'U' constantly shows up begging him to teach them and has offered big money to have him be the head guy up there. (we happen to be very good friends with him so we know more intimate things the U had tried to pull on him) Ok enough said, whats your email?
I had no idea what you two had been through. Thanks for your continued strength and zest for life.
Much love!
That story is so touching. It really makes me think how much I take for granted each and every day. Oh, little Kaleb, I'm sure he is the cutest little boy and I'm excited for you to re-unite with him someday. I can't imagine how horrifying that experience was, but I'm happy that he's yours and that you will be with him again one day.
Oh I wish I saw this earlier! Janelle, you are amazing. I am so excited to raise our little ones during the millennium. That thought brings me so much comfort. Kaleb is taking care of your children in heaven right now. He is assuring them that they are going to be ok in this world because they have such amazing parents to come down to. You guys are amazing and I can't wait to see you!
I was thinking about you guys on the 15th, wondering how you guys were holding up. I cried as I read this thinking about what a horrible thing you've gone through, and yet, what a spiritual experience as well. It's so comforting to know you'll see him again someday and be able to raise him and get to know him there. All our love, Jess & Tally
Janelle - what a beautiful entry. I'm so sorry I missed your calls when you were passing through New York. Are you in Utah now? I haven't read all of your blog. I hope your last little while in Switzerland is/was wonderful. YOu had so many good memories while you were there.
Hope to talk to you soon.
I can't even imagine losing a baby... especially my first. I'm so sorry for the two of you but what a joyful reunion you'll have in heaven someday! God must know you're a strong couple who could handle something like that. Are you planning on trying again soon?
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