On Day 3 we packed up and left Italy and headed further down the coast to Cannes, France. Cannes is where they have the famous film festival. We got to see them setting up for it. Cannes has some amazing beaches. It was incredible to walk in the sand.
While we were at the beach some teenagers were running around harassing people. Janelle and Rachel even got soaked because they thought it was funny to splash them with sand and water (see pic in collage of Janelle & Rachel). So another lady on the beach noticed these kids were out of control and started to tell them to behave. So the kids started to turn all their attention on her. Eventually the lady got fed up with it and got really upset with them. The mom's of the teenagers instead of keeping control of their out of control kids starting picking a fight with the lady. So in my wisdom I started filming the fight for COPS. If anyone would like to see the footage we can e-mail it, but since this is a family sight we are not including the video. HA!! After we left the beach we were walking past the police station and the lady who was attacked came out. We spoke with her and were able to give the tape to the cops. Once they saw the tape they went to the beach and confronted her assailants. We felt good about being able to help her. All of us after watching this were so upset with the parents. It is sad how people do not control their kids and don't take responsibility for them.
Cannes though was our favorite city we visited on this trip. They had some amazing shops and markets. See the pic of the produce stand we saw. They also had awesome bakeries and meat markets. We really wish we could go back and spend a week there.
We weren't staying in Cannes but up deeper in France in a place called Gernoble. Along they way we stopped in a place called Avignon, France. Also known as the City of Popes. We found a huge fortress. For a while in the past all the Popes lived in this city. It was incredible to see the craftsmanship. Pretty much every castle I have ever thought of reminded me of this place. Unfortunately since it was nighttime our camera didn't take very good pics of the castle. Since it was France we went and got some yummy crepes, both dinner and desert. We got back on the road and went to Gernoble.
On our last day we stopped in a city called Annecy, France. It is about an hour outside of Geneva, Switzerland. They have a beautiful lake there and a huge grassy park area. We rented some boats and went out on the lake. These motor boats were the least powerful boat I have ever been in. We all laughed as we got outside the wakeless zone and floored it, and the boat still didn't have a wake. After we had a great lunch we headed back home to Zurich.
On a more personal note, you see a number of pictures with both Janelle and I holding a little girl. Her name is Rachel. We both have a special place in our hearts for her. She was born the same month as Kaleb. Every time we are around her we can't help but think how this is how old he would be or this is the size Kaleb would be. Or the fact that they would probably be good friends with one another. Rachel is a little sweetheart and we are grateful we have gotten to know her.