Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Date Night

When Josh and I got married we had a goal to make sure we had a date once a week. I was looking at my blog and realized I haven't really done any posts with the city of Zurich. So a couple of weeks ago, Josh & I took some pictures of Zurich and also of our favorite restaurant Kings Cave (seen in the second collage). The city of Zurich has a great feeling where mid-evil times meet modern times. As you go around the city you find cobblestone streets, new construction, upscale shopping, huge banks, and of course old Church's built in before any of us were a glimmer in our parents eye's.


We found this restaurant the first week we were in Zurich and have been hooked ever since. Josh really likes the steak and I love the chicken there. They also have this dessert called the Danemark which is basically vanilla ice cream with hot fudge. They make their own fudge on site and it is divine (hence the pic in the collage to show you what you are missing). When we leave Switzerland we will really miss King's Cave.

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Shanna said...

I need styling tips form you Janelle. Seriously cute shirt. You are so cute. I know i have said this before, but I really do love your hair like that. Fun date night. ohhhh I need a date night so bad. Especially in Europe. ahhhh! Lokks like so much fun you two. Live it up because your moving back to boring Utah. For date nights hear it consist of movie or bowling or miniture golfing. capital Boring to me! Keep the pics coming!

Shanna said...

I am sucha retard I know how to spell that kind of here! Not hear. Sorry I did go to beauty school! LOL You love me!

Thomas Family said...

Oh my gosh- you always make me miss Switzerland SO bad when I read your blog. Have as much fun as you can. It'll be over before you know it. We have been in Utah a year next month! It sucks. She's right, whoever the leroy's are, it is totally boring.

Brittany said...

I want a Date Night in Zurich! I mean is that too much to ask? I guess when you live in is!!!! That food looks delish, and I love your cute red shirt!

jessi said...

Ahh, Zurich. Great description of such a wonderful place. Beautiful pics.

heather telford photography said...

I think date nights are so important!! You guys are so cute!! I have been so busy so ill email you once the baby is here a I have a little more down time! :)

*natalie said...

Seriously, your weekends and date nights make my life seem rather dull. Did I hear you are moving back to Utah?

Kelli Radmall said...

Beautiful! You look like a hottie Janelle. You always have sexy looking makeup... No wonder your husband wants to date you!

Alexis said...

Wow! I love where you live. And your hair is so cute! I really wish that we had money now so that we could come and visit you. I seriously am so jealous. But during this time don't you miss our traditional Bingo party? It makes me home sick. But seeing where you live, it is beautiful, just like it was out of a movie.

Jenni said...

I cant believe all of the things you guys are doing. Your living the high life. I'M JEALOUS!

Brooke said...

Good for you guys! I think it's so important to keep dating every week after your married. That dessert is making my stomach turn...yum!

The Airharts said...

Gosh Janelle, What a life you are living! When you move back your life will seem so boring, ha ha. Anyway, If you decide that you want a Modbe suit just email me at and I can get it shipped right to you! Yeah.

Kass Martin said...

How fun. I need to be better about date nights. It's something we have to sit down and plan in advance or it doesn't happen (babysitters...almost too much work sometimes). Make sure you keep it up when you have kids. You'll love it. That dessert looks so yummy.

Lance and Becky said...

How beautiful do you look...honestly! You guys have the BEST dates! You're a cutie!

Jessica said...

I LOVE how you write your blogs. I am so glad that you have a blog so I can keep up with you! I am sad I couldn't ever make it out to see you but I feel I have seen a lot through your pictures. I LOVE the new background and the black and white photos of you and Josh! SO CUTE! LOVE YOU

Mandi said...

You are so cute Janelle! That food made me so hungry! We would die to come and visit you guys out there! By the time we do though, you will be back here!

fünf said...

That was just mean to post a picture of that chicken. MEAN.

Miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ally said...

ah king's cave - almost could get me out for a visit. even at 4am that sounds good. hope you can post pics of venice soon. hope you had a great time.